Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tears in Heaven

Although I greatly appreciate the way my family and friends have banded together to help me sew up the tear in the fabric of my life, I was looking forward to testing the "patch" this weekend. I decided it was time to strike out on my own for 48 hours. No trips with the "girls night out" sister face time.
The Penguins did their part Friday night ( don't tell Meghan but my opinion has changed concerning Sabourin) Some flannel pj's, total control of the remote, great hockey......the only thing missing were the Corona's calling me from the basement.
Saturday started out great too... even though it took me 2 hours to donate 1 pint of blood!!!!!!!(and btw.......never wear a white shirt when you go to donate blood) I haven't cried in quite a while so I decided it was time to complete that one errand I had been putting off for too long.....the fabric store. The walls have been painted......the rug has been in place.....and finally the perfect couch has been it was time to buy the fabric for the chair that was supposed to be the next new project we tackled together. I realized in the parking lot that I had forgotten the ceramic tile that I had picked out for the coffee table ( I am into furniture making now what can I say....if you can't find what you want, make it yourself) No excuses though....I can still bring home swatches. Get out of the car and on with your life.
Walking through the aisles was pretty surreal at kind of expect to turn the corner and have him there in the next aisle checking out the patterns and offering an opinion. So familiar and yet so foreign. After a few minutes though I realized I could do this....could visit the places that remind me of him and survive quite well. I didn't even come close to crying when I was handed some bright new pennies in change there ( I swear God has a sense of humor...everywhere I go anymore I get shiny new pennies). Yes, life is good. Another hockey game tonight (only I won't have ignore the Corona's tonight) distractions....I can finish my book before the game. Only, I decided to clean the young one's room first. When I was sorting his movies, I realized I never saw his video from summer camp yet. So I popped it in the dvd player.
I will never be able to find the right words to use to express what it has been like these last 18 years living with Brian. The love, the laughter, the pain, the fear. But the images of Brian and his friends....of the campers and their caregivers.....the music they chose as the soundtrack to their lives....I couldn't hold back the tears.
And wasn't sad. They were all happy and loving....not a care in the world. I had to ask myself why was I crying??????? This was what life is supposed to be about....about friends and family....about caring and compassion. Seeing the face of God in everyone.
What is sad I suppose is that there are so many cruel and uncaring people in this world who think so little of the love that is manifest in Brian and his friends. The kind of people who would rather live in darknesss than embrace the light that radiates from their gentle, innocent souls.

Matthew Chapter 25 verses 31-40

I don't believe in coincidence.

I believe it's never too late though.
John Chapter 4 verses 7-41
I am the woman at the well. I have walked in the darkness too.....

All we have to do is ask.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over :)

Pat said...

Dany Sabourin for Vezina.

nobodysperfect said...

I can trust my friends. These people force me to examine, encourage me to grow.
-- Cher
Do you really want a friend....or just another cheerleader? Because you know I don't believe in "fate" and the only thing we are "destined" for is either heaven or hell. Everything else in just a series of choices along the way. We came to a crossroads and each of us had a "choice" to make. I pray that my "destiny" is heaven.....what do you pray for? The answer to that will determine if we can ever be friends again or not. Right now though you are just a little too hard for me to handle.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful Gloria Naylor quote.

nobodysperfect said...

A true friend never gets in your way unless you are going down.
-- Arnold H. Glasgow