Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Baby You Can Drive My Car

Not having my own set of wheels sure complicates life for a number of people. There's grandchildren to shuttle back and forth to school and little league, a daughter that needs me to do it, and a son who has a gift card to Target that's burning a hole in his pocket. The only logical (?) solution these past few days has been to take my daughter to work so I can have her car to manage the rest of the schedule. So far I have spent at least 4 hours of every day (and 50 dollars in gas!) behind the wheel of her super cool, sleek, sexy black Jeep Liberty...not the boring old Mom car I used to drive. Amazing how different you feel driving different vehicles! Let's face it, my 15 year old sedan wasn't cool even 15 years ago! I kind of sunk low in it and hoped I didn't know anyone in any of the dozen or so cars that were unfortunate enough to get behind me as I coaxed that thing up a hill. It was begging me to let it die swiftly and with dignity. But Erin's that's a ride worth enjoying. It's a car that begs windows down and stereo up (even if it is Radio Disney). It's a car that says "hey Mr Construction worker... yea I'm looking at you. Yea I'll crank up the stereo while I wait for your buddies to clear the lane." Hope he likes the Jonas Brothers.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lord Won't You Buy Me a Mercedes Benz

So a funny thing happened today. I was on the phone with my father this morning discussing my recent job interview and Brian's upcoming graduation. I was telling him how encouraged I am by how everything seems to be finally falling into place. He complimented me on my strength and resilience in dealing with the difficulties in my life. I told him I couldn't take all the credit...I think my exact words were "God doesn't always give me what I want but he always gives me what I need so I can't complain". So here's the funny part... you're gonna love this... this afternoon? car completely dies!!!! I mean don't bother the tow truck, just roll it over the hill dies! This new job isn't on a bus line so sometime this week I know God will lead me to a cheap reliable car...or a killer sale on a new pair of kicks!