Friday, July 29, 2005

Everything old is new again

There's a saying that goes "if you keep something long enough it always comes back in style". Kinda makes me wish I kept some of my high school clothes! But that's not my point. My point is there anything new out there that doesn't already exsist? Even King Solomon in biblical times lamented that "there's nothing new under the sun". If God's love is constant (as I believe it is), then does that mean everything we need is contained in a circle... a ring that never ends? So all our hopes...our dreams...our desires...our love that we send out returns to us as it completes the circle? Or is it that all our hopes, dreams. desires, and love must be held onto and it's God's love that moves them along? I like to believe that it is God's love that passes through us that gives us the strength to let go of our love knowing that He will return it to us over and over again. So nothing is ever lost...everything is always renewed.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Make me understand

because I don't.

Life's been good to me so far

There aren't too many Moody Blues fans out there so I'll switch to Joe you ever wonder what keeps us going despite all odds? Is it just a matter of simple biology (the longing to survive) or is it mind over matter(the longing to live)? Because there is a definite difference between surviving and living. Or is it a matter of deciding who or what we are living for? Let's face it...most of us can't complain ...I mean we live in a country where even the poorest of us would be considered wealthy by most of the world's standards. Yet we still do. We complain about everything as if our lives are a burden instead of a gift. So what makes us want to go on living? I think that no matter how bad things get we know deep down that there is so much more that is good...too bad so many people are willing to overlook that fact.

Comfort food

Well I am happy to say that I have survied the worst day of my life. Hurray for me!Although I will be making an early stop at the grocery store tomorrow. I can make 125 some other time.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Time for something new

It's really strange when you have spent your whole life doing something...being someone and then that life comes to an end and you stand there and wonder what to do next. You ask yourself who am I and where do I want to go now? Some people never answer that question and live out the remainder of their lives in the past. Some people just take off and never look back. But sometimes you can't completly shake off the past...sometimes you have to find a new life in the shadow of the old one. The only problem with living in the shadow is that you never see the know it's there but you can't quite see it. So maybe it's like sewing two pieces of fabric together....side by side...just keep adding new pieces until someday you have a beautiful quilt. Yea...I like the sound of that. I think I will start with a blue piece.