Wednesday, August 03, 2005

What's Best For Me

Let's see....oatmeal, brussell sprouts, spinich...that's what's best for the heart that beats in my body. But chocolate, cream of chicken soup on toast, love....that's what is best for the heart that sustains my soul. So when you ask me what is best for me , which heart do you mean? And can you really live with only one and not the other?


Anonymous said...

so what is best for you?

nobodysperfect said...

not having to answer that question .

Anonymous said...

cool i will ask it no more

nobodysperfect said...


Anonymous said...

This question is easy to answer. Since your behavior indicates that you think you're the center of the universe, everything and anything that concerns YOU must be what's best for keep continuing on your self-centered way and you'll be able to spend lots of time with yourself...... after you alienate everyone who ever cared for you, your family and friends alike. Don't you think it's time to wake up and grow up? You cannot recapture a lost youth no matter how hard you try, but you can make the rest of your life worthwhile and enjoyable. Quit kidding yourself. You're not going to save him. You should be spending your energy trying to save yourself because you have definitely strayed. Remember, talk is cheap. If you're going to talk the talk, you need to walk the walk.

Anonymous said...

yea quit thinking of youer self ever one else is way more important.

Anonymous said...

If you're going to talk the talk, you need to walk the walk. what talk? Quit kidding yourself. You're not going to save him how? what way?