Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Will It Go Round In Circles

I made a big deal about Brian graduating in my last post...and it was. However.......I think after all the hype we might have a little post holiday blues around here. Case in point : They have monthly fire drills where he works (no little exercise when you consider that's 5 floors of developmentally delayed consumers that need to be shepherded out safely). Needless to say the staff (God bless them) have a huge responsibility there and they depend on a lot of co-operation from the young men and women they have on their list. Brian's job coach had a little "issue"...namely she couldn't find him!!!! After a brief search he was found safely with another staff member. He said he didn't feel like exiting the building with Nicole...he wanted to be with his friend who has a different job coach. So the conversation went like this....

Me: put a lot of danger. Suppose there was a real fire. No one should be put in harm's way because they have to search for you because you aren't following the rules. You need to obey the adults that are in charge of you.

Brian: I'm an adult.

Me:Yes I know but you have to obey the responsible adults at work.

Brian: I am a responsible adult.

Me: Yes but you need to obey the adults that make the decisions.

Brian: I make decisions... see (as he holds up his voter ID card he just got in the mail)

Me: Okay...then let's put it this have to obey the person at work that signs your paycheck.

Brian: I get paid tomorrow. Can we go shopping? To the Army store. I need helmets.

Me: For what?

Brian: For my army.

Me: What Army?

Brian: MY army. I am out of here!

Me: Well I don't think so. I don't have any money for the army store.

Brian: I have money!

Me: Your money is for bowling and your Hab group and your lunch on Fridays.

Brian:That's it. You're fired.

Me: You can't fire me. I'm your mother!

Brian: Yeah? Well I'm an adult!

Me: Yes but I am still responsible for you.

Brian: I'm a responsible adult!

Me: Okay...let's try have to obey the person here who feeds you and does your laundry.

Brian: I graduated you know. I can get a house like my oldest brother Pat. I'm marrying Meghan and you can't come.

Oh....if only

1 comment:

V.L. Locey said...

Oh dear, that conversation sounds rather familiar!