Today is election day. I always think of my grandmother on election days.
My NaNa traveled alone across the Atlantic as a poor, uneducated teenager. She arrived here not knowing the language....not being able even to read or write. An arranged marriage was her reason for coming....but like many before her....and many after.....she had a dream of a better life here in America. She settled in, raised a family....and studied for her citizenship test. One of her proudest moments was when she became a naturalized American citizen. She often showed me her papers. She never did learn really to read or write....and her English was hard to understand at times......but she took her responsibilities as a citizen to heart. She never missed an election. I remember as a teenager and a young adult taking her to the polling place. I would help her read the ballot.....but she always knew who she was voting for. She died shortly before her 101st birthday......right before election day.
I think I inherited her determination and stubborness....her belief in something.....someone....larger than herself. I miss her. But every election day, as I cast my vote, I remember how hard she had to hard women and blacks had to have the right to make their mark on history. I take nothing for granted and I don't neglet my duty....I appreciate the sacrifice so many have made to allow me the right to voice my opinion. Free ideas ensure a free society. And as long as this is a free society , I will always exercise my right to speak....and I see fit. I will have the courage to give a signature to the thoughts and ideas that are mine alone. I will stand and be counted.
This election day ask yourself...."what do I stand for?"
If you don't stand for'll fall for anything.
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