Friday, October 12, 2007

New Attitude

Awesome Graphics at


Anonymous said...

You've spent your whole life aspiring to be a bitch? Congratulations. You and your children must be so proud of your achievement. But ask yourself, who is the self-centered one now?

You really should seek professional help. You talk the talk, girl, but you sure don't walk the walk. Simply saying it doesn't make it so. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!

You say you're concerned about your young one and the effect that Steve is having and has had on him. Here's an idea - move on and never speak to Steve again. Plain and simple. Wouldn't that make the most sense?

nobodysperfect said...

hmmmm......and what walk might that be? Maybe you should learn the whole story before you venture an opinion.

Donna said...

Dear "Anonymous" I think you need to check Steve's phone records to see which way those phone calls are being placed. Guess she isn't the only one that he lies to.

Anonymous said...

Exaggeration is when the most fundamental aspect(s) of a statement is true, but the degree to which it is true is not correct.