Wednesday, March 15, 2006

What I Really Meant To Say

My main problem is time........not enough of it. Being a single mom really stinks sometimes. It's hard to carve out time for yourself and when you do there is a long list of people who complain about what you do with it. So I guess you can say that I have a lot to write about, just no time to do it. My day begins at 6:30 a.m. (although it's set for 6......bless the person who invented the snooze alarm) and doesn't end untill 11:00 p.m. I deal with a very stubborn 16 year old male and then go to work and deal with about a dozen and half more stubborn males then go home and face the teenager again. Fun stuff let me tell you. Everyday is pretty much the same as the day before. That may sound boring to some.....but actually I find it somewhat comforting. I think routines get a bad rap sometimes. I think people confuse routine with getting into a rut. But I think it's two different things. A rut is something you dig so you don't have to look at the world.....a routine reminds you of the beauty that's there each and every day.....just waiting for you to pass by. Just keep your eyes open and your head up so you don't miss anything.


Anonymous said...

no time hmmmm i dont know

Anonymous said...

so what have you missed

nobodysperfect said...

Nothing......I hope

Anonymous said...

so how menny hours should be in a day

nobodysperfect said...

at least twice as many

Anonymous said...

see all it take is 2 weeeks