Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Time for something new

It's really strange when you have spent your whole life doing something...being someone and then that life comes to an end and you stand there and wonder what to do next. You ask yourself who am I and where do I want to go now? Some people never answer that question and live out the remainder of their lives in the past. Some people just take off and never look back. But sometimes you can't completly shake off the past...sometimes you have to find a new life in the shadow of the old one. The only problem with living in the shadow is that you never see the know it's there but you can't quite see it. So maybe it's like sewing two pieces of fabric together....side by side...just keep adding new pieces until someday you have a beautiful quilt. Yea...I like the sound of that. I think I will start with a blue piece.


Anonymous said...

i think i would start with red

nobodysperfect said...

I'm kind of fond of blue.

Anonymous said...

anonymous red not the color its blue & yellow and yes blue would bu just fine :)but dont forget about yellow :)

Anonymous said...


nobodysperfect said...

I would like the last anonymous poster to contact me directly.