Sunday, February 27, 2011

Show Me A Garden

When tragedy strikes, as it most assuredly will at some point in our lives, most people react with disbelief. "How could this possibly happen? I followed all the rules...I am a good person...I believe in God"...etc. Some people demand answers. "It's the doctor's's society's's God's fault"...etc. A few even imagine themselves as having the answers already. "You brought this on's better this way...God wanted it this way"...etc. Somethings, however, we may never know this side of heaven. As it should be.

I think there is a reason God's plan for our redemption played out partly in a garden. As Jesus poured out his blood as tears in the Garden of Gethsemane, watering the rocky soil of our hardened hearts, He anticipated the beauty and bounty of the flowers that would bloom in the hearts of those who trusted in God for their comfort.

There are those who scoff at this idea...who say they cannot...will not...believe in a God who allows such suffering. Imagine, though, a flower sitting in the sun. No clouds to darken the day, no rain to pelt the soft delicate petals. The warm sun and gentle breezes makes one lazy day drift into the next. Bliss you say? To some maybe. But after too many days of fair weather, the sun, which once gave warmth, now begins to scorch. The lack of rain now has sapped the plant of life...and that gentle breeze blows the dusty remains away. Gone for all eternity.

Our souls are like that long ago garden...the soil might no longer be hardened and rocky, but it is still muddy with doubt and despair. We sow that soil with the seeds of our sorrows. We water it with our tears. We wait,in faith,for the flowers to emerge. And as that tiny sprout breaks free from it's grave and seeks the source of life itself, it grows in beauty and gives hope to the promise that God has given...that no tear is ever unnoticed...or wasted.

A tiny seed has been planted in our family garden. In faith, he has been planted in the Lord. In faith, he will blossom with the Lord. In faith, I believe the yellow rose and the fair white lily grace the fields of heaven awaiting our time to join them.

Rest in Peace and may the perpetual light of Christ shine upon them.

Shirley Dean Strangis 11/24/35-11/6/09

Joshua Joseph Kurta 02/22/11