Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Will It Go Round In Circles
I made a big deal about Brian graduating in my last post...and it was. However.......I think after all the hype we might have a little post holiday blues around here. Case in point : They have monthly fire drills where he works (no little exercise when you consider that's 5 floors of developmentally delayed consumers that need to be shepherded out safely). Needless to say the staff (God bless them) have a huge responsibility there and they depend on a lot of co-operation from the young men and women they have on their list. Brian's job coach had a little "issue"...namely she couldn't find him!!!! After a brief search he was found safely with another staff member. He said he didn't feel like exiting the building with Nicole...he wanted to be with his friend who has a different job coach. So the conversation went like this....
Me: put a lot of danger. Suppose there was a real fire. No one should be put in harm's way because they have to search for you because you aren't following the rules. You need to obey the adults that are in charge of you.
Brian: I'm an adult.
Me:Yes I know but you have to obey the responsible adults at work.
Brian: I am a responsible adult.
Me: Yes but you need to obey the adults that make the decisions.
Brian: I make decisions... see (as he holds up his voter ID card he just got in the mail)
Me: Okay...then let's put it this have to obey the person at work that signs your paycheck.
Brian: I get paid tomorrow. Can we go shopping? To the Army store. I need helmets.
Me: For what?
Brian: For my army.
Me: What Army?
Brian: MY army. I am out of here!
Me: Well I don't think so. I don't have any money for the army store.
Brian: I have money!
Me: Your money is for bowling and your Hab group and your lunch on Fridays.
Brian:That's it. You're fired.
Me: You can't fire me. I'm your mother!
Brian: Yeah? Well I'm an adult!
Me: Yes but I am still responsible for you.
Brian: I'm a responsible adult!
Me: Okay...let's try have to obey the person here who feeds you and does your laundry.
Brian: I graduated you know. I can get a house like my oldest brother Pat. I'm marrying Meghan and you can't come.
Oh....if only
Me: put a lot of danger. Suppose there was a real fire. No one should be put in harm's way because they have to search for you because you aren't following the rules. You need to obey the adults that are in charge of you.
Brian: I'm an adult.
Me:Yes I know but you have to obey the responsible adults at work.
Brian: I am a responsible adult.
Me: Yes but you need to obey the adults that make the decisions.
Brian: I make decisions... see (as he holds up his voter ID card he just got in the mail)
Me: Okay...then let's put it this have to obey the person at work that signs your paycheck.
Brian: I get paid tomorrow. Can we go shopping? To the Army store. I need helmets.
Me: For what?
Brian: For my army.
Me: What Army?
Brian: MY army. I am out of here!
Me: Well I don't think so. I don't have any money for the army store.
Brian: I have money!
Me: Your money is for bowling and your Hab group and your lunch on Fridays.
Brian:That's it. You're fired.
Me: You can't fire me. I'm your mother!
Brian: Yeah? Well I'm an adult!
Me: Yes but I am still responsible for you.
Brian: I'm a responsible adult!
Me: Okay...let's try have to obey the person here who feeds you and does your laundry.
Brian: I graduated you know. I can get a house like my oldest brother Pat. I'm marrying Meghan and you can't come.
Oh....if only
Friday, September 24, 2010
Party Like It's 1999
How many choices do we make in a day...a week...a lifetime? I'm no
mathematician but I'm guessing the answer is... A LOT! Some choices
we struggle over (like staying in school...who to marry...whether we
should smother our children in their sleep after a long exhausting
rainy day when the only form of entertainment involved permanent
markers and freshly painted white walls). Some are no brainers (like
vegetables before dessert...paying the bills before buying that
fabulous new handbag...having a glass of wine before deciding whether
we should smother our children in their sleep after a long and
exhausting rainy day when the only form of entertainment involved
permanent markers and freshly painted white walls). Then there are
the "heads or tails" kinds of choices where all available answers seem
valid...or invalid as the case may be. Of course nothing could be
further from the truth. There can only be one right's just
the agonizing over how we might look to others that causes us to even
give things a second thought. I say this because choices are very
personal things. We can't always see the forest for the trees and
hindsight is always 20/20 but still the choice is always our own. Our
choices are the narrators of our lives. They tell the world what's in
our hearts...what's important to us...what we can and cannot live
without. That is different for everyone... My car totally died
recently. I have been out of work for almost a year now and I need a
car to search for a job. My son just graduated from high school with
honors after 18 long years of special education. He deserves a party.
Money is tight to say the least.
Like I said...some choices are no brainers. Life is
like it's 1999!
mathematician but I'm guessing the answer is... A LOT! Some choices
we struggle over (like staying in school...who to marry...whether we
should smother our children in their sleep after a long exhausting
rainy day when the only form of entertainment involved permanent
markers and freshly painted white walls). Some are no brainers (like
vegetables before dessert...paying the bills before buying that
fabulous new handbag...having a glass of wine before deciding whether
we should smother our children in their sleep after a long and
exhausting rainy day when the only form of entertainment involved
permanent markers and freshly painted white walls). Then there are
the "heads or tails" kinds of choices where all available answers seem
valid...or invalid as the case may be. Of course nothing could be
further from the truth. There can only be one right's just
the agonizing over how we might look to others that causes us to even
give things a second thought. I say this because choices are very
personal things. We can't always see the forest for the trees and
hindsight is always 20/20 but still the choice is always our own. Our
choices are the narrators of our lives. They tell the world what's in
our hearts...what's important to us...what we can and cannot live
without. That is different for everyone... My car totally died
recently. I have been out of work for almost a year now and I need a
car to search for a job. My son just graduated from high school with
honors after 18 long years of special education. He deserves a party.
Money is tight to say the least.
Like I said...some choices are no brainers. Life is
like it's 1999!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
If I Had A Million Dollars
Hey I'll be the first to admit...I've indulged that know, the one where you're smiling ear to ear holding a cardboard check the size of Texas. The thing is though, in my fantasy I'm usually passing out checks the size of Pennsylvania to a long list of relatives, friends, and worthwhile charities. Call me crazy (you wouldn't be the first) but the older I get, the less I seem to need. Seriously, my 1300sq ft Cape Cod with the 1993 Toyota Camry in the drive satisfies me. Not that I begrudge people nice things, but I don't buy into the consumerism that is prevalent in this country. I used to think it was because I was raised by two very sensible, financially responsible parents who taught me the value of living within your means and saving for a rainy day. (BTW thanks Mom and Dad) But it's so much more than that.I'll give you fair warning...this post is for all those squeamish souls who like their truth sugar coated avert your eyes now.
The "progressives" in our government are big on this "income redistribution" thing. They see the disparity between the rich and the poor as something that only the government can fix. You know the old saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"? Well hold on to your hats cause this elevator is plunging to the basement. We ARE our brothers keepers...that much is true...but our salvation is not won by having the government confiscate our money to "spread the wealth around" We wonder why the world is so cold and rude and intolerant...well it's because we have stopped having a personal connection to our fellow man. We have come to rely on a faceless bureaucracy instead of each other...instead of God.
What exactly does it mean to be poor anyway? The government would tell you that I am. On paper I would appear to be so. But the only poverty I feel is spiritual poverty. My tiny house, my almost 20 year old car, my modest meals are more than enough for my physical needs. Do I want more? I would be a liar if I said no...but I have all that I need. But do I do enough for my fellow man? If all I did was send my money to Washington then the answer is no! You can't legislate can't buy love. Now I know some of you will say "that's all well and fine in LaLa land but those evil, greedy capitalists won't help out of the goodness of their hearts" And you would be right. But are they the only guilty ones? How about all those people who claim they are too busy to help...or don't have the money to help? You know who I mean...the ones who "need" the million dollar home, the 3 car garage to store all those SUV's, the designer clothes, the big screen TV? Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with those things if you can truly afford them. But are they worth putting yourself in debt?
Which leads me back to the progressives. Yes the government is responsible for the safety of it's citizens. But is it worth putting ourselves (and our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren) in debt providing something we should be providing for ourselves?
If I had a million dresses and Kraft dinner on me!
The "progressives" in our government are big on this "income redistribution" thing. They see the disparity between the rich and the poor as something that only the government can fix. You know the old saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"? Well hold on to your hats cause this elevator is plunging to the basement. We ARE our brothers keepers...that much is true...but our salvation is not won by having the government confiscate our money to "spread the wealth around" We wonder why the world is so cold and rude and intolerant...well it's because we have stopped having a personal connection to our fellow man. We have come to rely on a faceless bureaucracy instead of each other...instead of God.
What exactly does it mean to be poor anyway? The government would tell you that I am. On paper I would appear to be so. But the only poverty I feel is spiritual poverty. My tiny house, my almost 20 year old car, my modest meals are more than enough for my physical needs. Do I want more? I would be a liar if I said no...but I have all that I need. But do I do enough for my fellow man? If all I did was send my money to Washington then the answer is no! You can't legislate can't buy love. Now I know some of you will say "that's all well and fine in LaLa land but those evil, greedy capitalists won't help out of the goodness of their hearts" And you would be right. But are they the only guilty ones? How about all those people who claim they are too busy to help...or don't have the money to help? You know who I mean...the ones who "need" the million dollar home, the 3 car garage to store all those SUV's, the designer clothes, the big screen TV? Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with those things if you can truly afford them. But are they worth putting yourself in debt?
Which leads me back to the progressives. Yes the government is responsible for the safety of it's citizens. But is it worth putting ourselves (and our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren) in debt providing something we should be providing for ourselves?
If I had a million dresses and Kraft dinner on me!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I Love A Rainy Night
There is something so soothing about night rain, especially after a long summer's day. The slow rolling bass of thunder in the distance, the air heavy with the scent of so many different flowers all at once. But the thing I love most of all is the cascading cadence of the raindrops as they sing their song... sometimes melancholy...sometimes joyful, sometimes full of passion and fury... but always with a story to tell. I have often thought of rainstorms as part of a conversation that God has with the world. First He draws up the earth's lifeblood to Himself with the the same silence that only the most intimate of lovers can speak. Then, announcing His presence with resonating authority, He showers us with tender teardrops of hope and encouragement... the lightning illuminating the truth of His love for us. In the morning we find the world clean, fresh, renewed. Like a favorite blanket or toy straight from the dryer, we clutch the day to our hearts giddy with the knowledge we have the best parent ever!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Baby You Can Drive My Car
Not having my own set of wheels sure complicates life for a number of people. There's grandchildren to shuttle back and forth to school and little league, a daughter that needs me to do it, and a son who has a gift card to Target that's burning a hole in his pocket. The only logical (?) solution these past few days has been to take my daughter to work so I can have her car to manage the rest of the schedule. So far I have spent at least 4 hours of every day (and 50 dollars in gas!) behind the wheel of her super cool, sleek, sexy black Jeep Liberty...not the boring old Mom car I used to drive. Amazing how different you feel driving different vehicles! Let's face it, my 15 year old sedan wasn't cool even 15 years ago! I kind of sunk low in it and hoped I didn't know anyone in any of the dozen or so cars that were unfortunate enough to get behind me as I coaxed that thing up a hill. It was begging me to let it die swiftly and with dignity. But Erin's that's a ride worth enjoying. It's a car that begs windows down and stereo up (even if it is Radio Disney). It's a car that says "hey Mr Construction worker... yea I'm looking at you. Yea I'll crank up the stereo while I wait for your buddies to clear the lane." Hope he likes the Jonas Brothers.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Lord Won't You Buy Me a Mercedes Benz
So a funny thing happened today. I was on the phone with my father this morning discussing my recent job interview and Brian's upcoming graduation. I was telling him how encouraged I am by how everything seems to be finally falling into place. He complimented me on my strength and resilience in dealing with the difficulties in my life. I told him I couldn't take all the credit...I think my exact words were "God doesn't always give me what I want but he always gives me what I need so I can't complain". So here's the funny part... you're gonna love this... this afternoon? car completely dies!!!! I mean don't bother the tow truck, just roll it over the hill dies! This new job isn't on a bus line so sometime this week I know God will lead me to a cheap reliable car...or a killer sale on a new pair of kicks!
Friday, February 19, 2010
God Doesn't Drive Parked Cars
The sun is shining for the first time in almost three weeks. The icy daggers clinging to the gutters are losing their watery points drip by drip. Cabin fever is starting to set in. Thanks to a pair of new friends, my car has been exhumed from it's powdery grave. Just in time :-) Lent is a journey and I am on my way...
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